今天的目的地是Kusadasi,顺路参观Pergamon,一个面临Aegean Sea的古城。在Pergamon的景点是在高山上的Acropolis(卫城)。

*PERGAMON - Pergamon or Pergamum was an ancient Greek city, in Mysia, north-western Anatolia, 16 miles from the Aegean Sea, located on promontory on the north side of the river Caicus, that became an important kingdom during the Hellenistic period, under the Attalid dynasty, 281-133 BC. Once a great center of culture, survives as one of Turkey's finest archaeological sites.

*ACROPOLIS - In the Acropolis, above the modern town, are remains of the celebrated library, a steep ad impressive theatre, the temples of Trajan and Dionysus, the monumental altar of Zeus, the sanctuary of Demeter, a gymnasium laid out on three terraces and the Agora. The Temple of Trajan, Library and the theatre both overlooking to the plain of Bergama. Acropolis分为上下城,上城属于皇宫贵族居住,下城属于百姓生活处。
Ruins of Acropolis

看完了Acropolis,吃了一顿午餐,有点一餐比一餐差的感觉。然后我们前往今天最后一个目的地,Kusadasi。我们会先去参观天主教的圣地,House of Virgin Mary。然后我们会去土产点,这是“例牌”的嘛。
*House of Virgin Mary - The belief that the Virgin Mary had spent her last days in the vicinity of Ephesus and that she had died there, focused attention on a nun named Anna Katherina Emmerich who had livid in the late 18th century (1774-1820). The efforts to find the house were greatly influenced by her detailed description of the Virgin Mary's coming to Ephesus, her life and her last home there and the characteristics of the city although she had never been to Ephesus.
House of Virgin Mary是天主教的圣地,连前代教皇也曾到访。我们到House of Virgin Mary的时候,风吹得很大,然后就下雨了,所以每个人后匆匆忙忙的参观完就上车了。在石屋里是不可以拍照的,因为要保护古迹。在石屋里有一个修道士,终于有机会看见真正的修道士了。我们一离开House of Virgin Mary,到山下土产店时就停雨了。或许圣母觉得我们没有诚意拜访她吧,所以让我们早点离开。

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