*Istanbul, the only city in the world that spreads into two continents. Situated in the region where Europe and Asia separated by narrow straits, the Bosphorus which connected Black Sea and Sea Of Marmara.
由于时差的关系,虽然前一晚凌晨12点才睡,第二天凌晨4点就起床了。“闲闲没代志”,就到lobby走走,然后拍一点Istanbul天微亮的照片。其实Turkey 6点左右就开始天亮了,Taksim也开始热闹了。天气应该很冷,路人都穿得厚厚的。这时候应该是冬天的尾端,开始要进入春天了。8点就出发了,因为要坐蛮久的路途去下一个景点,Gelibolu,乘渡轮离开Turkey的欧洲大陆,前往Turkey的亚洲大陆,前往神话故事里“木马屠城记”的发生地点,Troy。

出发途中,到机场接Malaysia ICI Akzo Nobel Managing Director, Mr Goh。我们沿着高速公路一路向南前往Gelibolu,where we will take a ferry to cross Sea Of Marmara。半途在休息站时,尝试了人生第一杯Turkish Coffee。不习惯它的味道,很浓,咖啡粉溶不完,好像在喝咖啡渣一样。冷天时喝一杯热咖啡,感觉真得很好。上了巴士,导游才跟我们说,喝Turkish Coffee时,不要搅拌,要放在桌上等咖啡粉沉底后才喝,酱才不会喝到渣。Walau,不等我们旅程结束才跟我们讲。真是给他“炸到”。

***这是我们的导游,Atilla。他人很风趣,总是什么事情都会扯到mother in law。讲到好像全Turkey的男人都不喜欢他们的mother in law,好像他们的mother in law都很可怕。Atilla讲,因为Turkey的mother in law很啰嗦,Turkey的mother in law在他们的心中就是这个形象。“Why the Black Sea called Black Sea?”,他问。知道答案吗?
*GALLIPOLI - Known as Gelibolu at present, historically famous being the site of many battles during World War 1.
大概中午12点,我们到了Gelibolu。这里是World War 1的战场,我想是因为它的地理位置关系。吃了一顿不错的午餐,拍了一些照片,我们就乘渡轮离开欧洲大陆,前往Turkey的亚洲大陆,今天主要景点,Troy的所在地,Canakkale。


***这是Malaysia ICI AkzoNobel的Managing Director,Mr Goh。

*Troy - Where the mythology story of Troy was happened. When the Greeks had laid siege to Troy for ten years, without results, they pretended to retreat. They left behind a huge wooden horse, in which a number of Greek heroes,amog whom Odysseus, had hdden themselves. The spy Sinon convinced the Trojans, despite the warnings of Laocoon, to move the horse inside the city as a war trophy. In the following night, the Greeks left the wooden horse and attacked the unsuspecting and celebrating Trojans, and finally conquered Troy.
The Lost Kingdom Of Troy

我们今晚的酒店是Kolin Hotel,是个面向海的酒店。由于Canakkale是个小镇,所以Kolin Hotel算是当地最好的酒店。


Good night,trojans。
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