8 Days 5 Nights Turkey & Dubai(六)

DAY 7 (8th March 2009) Istanbul-Dubai-K.L.



***Marmara Hotel的大厅。

早餐过后,我们就出发去参观三个景点。由于三个景点是在附近,所以用走的就可以参观完三个景点,Hippodrome, St. Sophia MuseumBlue Mosque

*Hippodrome - It was built by the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus in 203 A.D. The Hippodrome was a stadium which served as a meetting place for the politicans, for chariot races, wrestling, boxing, and other athletic activities that took place.

***Hippodrome, 一个满小的广场。在广场上有三个column, 只是经过走马看花的看了一下。

***在Blue Mosque外卖面包的小贩。头顶功夫不错哦!

Hippodrome过后,我们就去参观Blue Mosque。天公不作美,开始下雨了。天气开始冷了。

*Blue Mosque - One of the most prominent landmarks of Istanbul, especially when viewed from the First Hill or from the Asian Shore of the Sea of Marmara. It is very impressive with its beautiful domes and semidomes, nice courtyards and six slender minarets.

Blue Mosque又被称为Sultan Ahmed Mosque。外观设计特别,里面的更是壮观。Blue Mosque虽然是清真寺,但是却又对外开放参观,参观的时候,还有人在作祈祷,只要我们不打扰到他们,我们可以周围走走和拍照。进去参观时,记得要脱鞋,以免弄脏里面的地毯,那里有提供袋子装鞋。Blue Mosque可算是无价之宝,只是里面的蓝色瓷砖已是天文数字了。

***Blue Mosque的圆屋顶。Blue Mosque的整个屋顶由四根大柱子支撑。每根柱子的直径为8m。经历几次地震,也没影响到Blue Mosque的结构,突显出古时的建筑智慧。



***前往Hagia Sophia途中,有很多鲜艳的花。

***Blue Mosque的外观。

*St. Sophia Museum - (Turkish: Ayasofya, from the Greek: Αγία Σοφία, "Holy Wisdom"; Latin: Sancta Sophia or Sancta Sapientia). The Church of Holy Wisdom, commonly known as Hagia Sophia in English, is a former Eastern Orthodox Church converted to a mosque, now concerted into a museum, in the Turkey city of Istanbul (Constantinople). It is universally acknowledged as one of the greatest buildings of the world and sometimes considered the Eight Wonder of the World. Its loss to the Ottomans at the fall of Constantinople is considered one of the great tragedies of Christendom by the Greek Orthodox faith.
***Hagia Sophia的外貌。

***Visiting hours of Hagia Sophia.

***The mihrab located in the apse where the altar used to stand, pointing towards Mecca.


***Marble Jar - The marble jar was brought from Pergamon during the reign of Sultan Murad III. Originally from the Hellenistic period, it was carved from a single block of marble.

***Southwestern entrance mosaics, situated in the tympanum of the southwestern entrance, date from 944. They were rediscovered during the restorations of 1849 by Fossati. The Virgin sits on a throne without a back, her feet resting on a pedestal, embellished with precious stones. The Child Christ sits on her lap, giving His blessing and holding a scroll in His left hand. On her left side stands emperor Constantine in ceremonial attire, presenting a model of the city to Mary. The inscription next to him says : "Great emperor Constantine of the Saints". On her right side stands emperor Justinian I, offering a model of the Hagia Sophia. The medallions on both sides of the Virgin's head carry the monograms MP and ΘY, an abbreviation of "Mētēr" and "Theou", meaning "Mother of God".

参观完Hagia Sophia,我们就去游船河。我们将会畅游Bosphorus海峡,一睹分隔欧亚的海峡风采。





***Rumelihisarı on the Bosporus.

***Rumelihisarı on the Bosporus.




午餐后,我们就前往旅程的最后一个景点,Topkapi Palace

*Topkapi Palace - It was home to all the Ottoman Sultans until the reign of Abdulmecid I (1839-1860), a period of nearly four centuries. The order for the constructio of the Topkapi Palace on the Seraglio Point overlooking both Marmara and Bosphorus was given by Mehmed II after the conquest of Constatinapolis in 1453.

***Topkapi Palace的大门。

我们用了大约一小时参观Topkapi Palace,只参观了以前皇帝的珠宝,由于不可以拍照,所以不能分享。其实Topkapi Palace是很大的,因为时间关系,只能参观到一小部分而已。Topkapi Palace的面积大约是592,600方尺到700,000方尺,所以我们看到的真的是一小部分而已,可惜。


参观完Topkapi Palace,我们就去当地特产的outlet参观。这间outlet有卖地毯,金银饰品。他们开价真的是很“装笑”,商品只是标上数字而已,然后你问他那个数字是不是欧元,他就说是欧元,但如果你问他是不是美金,他也是一样答你是美金,真的是很“装笑”。




8 Days 5 Nights Turkey & Dubai(五)

DAY 6 (7th March 2009) Pamukkale-Denizli-Izmir-Istanbul

昨晚睡得不好,因为Polat Thermal Resort的房间很差。领队更“够力”,七早八早就“霸”了张桌子排满了杯面,每个人进来,就立刻叫他们选杯面,因为这里的早餐更差,几乎没选择,只有面包,cerealsaladcereal的选择又少,可能是因为太早的关系,因为我们要搭早班机飞去Istanbul,或许厨房酱早还没开始准备食物吧。

领队说,Polat Thermal Resort在新开张的时候是五星级的,过后因为生意太好,每天都爆满,每天都有世界各地的游客来Pamukkale泡温泉,尤其是临近的国家,所以没有空档维修酒店,星星就一年掉一颗,到现在两颗星都给多了。

我们今天要搭早机回Istanbul,然后今天是我们的shopping day。我们会去Grand Bazaar,那里有超过3000间店,真的很大。今天我们的午餐是Turkey有名的kebab,想吃很久了,来到Turkey不吃Kebab就好像去KL没去KLCC Twin Towers一样,今天下午终于有机会吃道地菜了。

到了Denizli机场,吹起大风,很冷。这里的security checkup也是很严,和Dubai一样。这个机场很小,一天只有两班机去Istanbul,而且一天也只有这两班机在这里起飞降落。在机场等了一会,起飞时间已经过去了,还没有看到飞机。有不好的预感,因为风吹得很大,四周又灰蒙蒙的。风真的吹到很大,风的声音大到吓人。

坏消息来了,由于风太大,班机取消了。如果要等下一班机,就必须等到傍晚的班机,然后我们就会错过晚上的肚皮舞表演。如果不要错过晚上肚皮舞表演,就必须去Turkey的第三大城市,Izmir的国际机场搭下午的飞机回Istanbul。我们的kebab午餐没了。Oh my god!这个真的是我Turkey之旅的最大遗憾。Grand Bazaar也没了,因为Grand Bazaar星期天没营业的。Oh my god!这是老婆这个旅行最大的遗憾。没办法了,只有赶去Izmir了,Denizli的风真的大到风吹来时拉着行李也被吹到倒退。




*Izmir - also once called Smyrna, is Turkey's third most populous city and the country's largest port after Istanbul. It is located along the outlying waters of the Gulf of İzmir, by the Aegean Sea. It is the seat of İzmir Province. The city of İzmir is composed of nine metropolitan districts (Balçova, Bornova, Buca, Çiğli, Gaziemir, Güzelbahçe, Karşıyaka, Konak, and Narlıdere), each with its own distinct features and temperament.


到了IzmirAtilla带我们去看Izmir Clock TowerIzmir的地标。错过了Grand Bazaar,就看一看Izmir Clock Tower补回,这个如意算盘打得真响。人不能胜天,天气如此,我们也没选择。AtillaSibel也拥有足够的经验应付突发状况,所以我们才可以去Izmir飞回Istanbul

Izmir Clock Tower,竟然有小孩跟我们讨钱,而且还是一群,应该还是在籍学生。AtillaSibel向他们训话,原来他们是移民来Turkey的小孩。

*Izmir - (Turkish: Izmir Saat Kulesi) is a historic clock tower located at the Konak Square in Konak district of Izmir, Turkey. The clock tower was designed by the Levantine French architect Raymond Charles Père and built in 1901 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Abdul Hamid II's (reigned 1876–1909) accession to the throne.
The clock itself was a gift of German Emperor Wilhelm II (reigned 1888–1918). It is decorated in an elaborate Ottoman architecture. The tower, at a height of 25 m (82 ft), features four fountains, which are placed around the base in a circular pattern, and the columns are inspired by North African themes.

***Izmir Clock Tower



***Izmir Clock Tower的流浪狗。



***晚餐其实是蛮正式的,有两个salad,一个主菜,一个甜品,一杯饮料。我们都不大会欣赏,salad没人吃完,主菜的鸡肉有点硬和淡,唯有甜品吃完,甜品是ice cream加水果。





***一个很出色的表演者。他会唱很多国家的歌。当晚一起看表演有来自日本,新加坡的朋友。他唱歌来欢迎我们。他唱Sakura来欢迎日本朋友,唱新加坡国歌欢迎新加坡朋友,唱Rasa Sayang来欢迎我们。由于我们的桌子没放国旗,所以我们就说我们是来自香港的,然后他唱高山青。好好玩。
今晚,我们又回到了The Marmara Hotel。今晚是我们在Turkey的最后一晚。

